This report has been designed in order to help you get to know and better understand your natural behavioral style. The report contains a description of your behavioural preferences.
These preferences strongly influence the choices we make as we navigate through life. Our preferences are reflected in how we respond to unfolding events and how we interact with others. Our preferences combine to form what is described as our Behavioural Style.
This is not the same as our Personality. Our personality includes more factors than our Behavioural Style. These additonal factors include race, gender, culture.
We can think of our Behavioural Style in much the same way as we view our wardrobe. We will probably note a greater presence of one or two colours and a relative under-representation of one colour.
On any given day you can choose what colour to wear. You can even change what you wear several times for the day. In the same way, we are not tied to our Behavioural Style. We can choose to use other styles at will.
We can even learn to be less uncomfortable using styles that take more energy from us. That would be similar to wearing that gift from a loved one that is not among your favourite colours but you wear it in the interest of the relationship.
The report includes a critical role-fit analysis which matches your preferences to the behavioural requirements of the job. The report is intended to be developmental. It is structured as a coaching tool. It should be viewed in that light. Where gaps are identified this should invite introspection and a commitment to taking corrective action. Where strengths are identified this should provide direction for how you can maximize your potential.
We hope that the information contained in this report will help you to create an optimal plan for the development of your leadership and managerial skills.
This analysis is based on the responses given in the FinxS/Extended DISC Personal Analysis Questionnaire. This analysis should not be the sole criterion for making decisions. The purpose of this analysis is to provide supporting information for developmental initiatives. FinxS/Extended DISC Analysis does not describe the full personality and should not be used for this purpose. The report does not describe the intelligence, skills, knowledge or experience
Enjoy and apply!
Extended DISC® Model
The Extended DISC® Model is an extension of the work of Carl Gustav Jung and William Moulton Marston. The basis of the theory of human behaviour is that how we deal with life's unfolding events may be classified into four main styles. These are:
  • Dominance
  • Inducement
  • Steadiness
  • Conscientiousness
  • We use the acronym D I S C
The essence of the Extended DISC® Model is a precise measurement of the intensity of the various styles of behavior in the potential respondent.
Please find below basic behaviors distinctive to each DISC style.
Extended Disc Solutions Report
Common Outcomes Related to Location on the Extended DISC® Diamond
Below are examples of common tasks against the Extended DISC® Diamond.
Consider which of these tasks come easily, and which require more effort and concentration.
What kind of tasks are now particularly important for you ?
Performance Improving Hot Tips
Improving your performance
There is no one best style. Each style has advantages and disadvantages.
Depending on your style, below are some of the most important things you could do to improve your performance.
  • Slow down, be more patient.
  • Do not jump to conclusions or snap decisions.
  • Listen to others more.
  • Be more aware of how you impact others.
  • Do not overreact.
  • Talk less, listen more.
  • Do not react emotionally.
  • Do not over promise.
  • Focus more on details.
  • Follow-up.
  • Be more assertive and aggressive.
  • Speak out.
  • Act now, think less.
  • Keep your emotions under control.
  • Do not be afraid of change and new things.
  • Talk more.
  • Decide and take action faster.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Do not lose the big picture.
  • Accept ambiguity.
How to Identify Others' Styles
Once you know what your style is, you need to know the other person's style in order to make the appropriate adjustments in your style. Below you will find a helpful checklist.
  • Often appears to be in a hurry.
  • Is direct, says what he/she thinks.
  • May be blunt.
  • States own opinions as facts.
  • Interrupts others.
  • May talk to many people at the same time.
  • "What's the bottom line?"
  • Is aggressive.
  • Is demanding.
  • "How does this benefit ME?"
  • Very impatient.
  • Becomes irritated easily.
  • Is open and friendly.
  • Talks a lot.
  • Gets easily excited.
  • Is animated.
  • Talks about people he/she knows.
  • Does not focus much on details.
  • Does not listen for long.
  • Does not pay close attention.
  • May ask same questions several times.
  • Jumps from subject to subject.
  • Stays away from hard facts.
  • Appears calm.
  • Does not get easily excited.
  • Listens carefully.
  • Nods and goes along.
  • Is easy-going.
  • Asks questions and inquires about the specifics.
  • Seems to have strong opinions but does not express them vocally.
  • Appears thoughtful.
  • Completely new ideas/things seem to make him/her uncomfortable.
  • Appears reserved and somewhat timid.
  • Is quiet.
  • Focuses on details.
  • Asks many questions.
  • Studies specifications and other information carefully.
  • Proceeds cautiously.
  • Does not easily express disagreeing views.
  • May have done homework on the topic.
  • May be very critical; criticism based on facts, not opinions.
Communication Considerations:
Effective communication is critical in all types of interactions.
Below you will find a helpful checklist to assist you in improving your effectiveness with the different styles.
When communicating with D-styles:
  • Be direct and specific.
  • Provide alternatives.
  • Ensure he/she "wins".
  • Disagree only on facts.
  • Enjoy the battle.
  • Do not be emotional.
  • Do not dominate.
  • Act quickly, he/she decides fast.
When communicating with I-styles:
  • Be a friend, do not ignore.
  • Schedule time for chatting.
  • Have fun and act silly.
  • Let him/her speak.
  • Give recognition.
  • Speak about people and feelings.
  • Remember to follow up.
  • Move closer.
When communicating with S-styles:
  • Slow down your presentation.
  • Build trust.
  • Focus on people.
  • Provide the information he/she needs.
  • Present issues logically.
  • Secure commitment piece by piece.
  • Be sincere, do not dominate.
When communicating with C-styles:
  • Provide facts.
  • Do not touch.
  • Be patient, slow down.
  • Give plenty of detailed information.
  • Control your own activity.
  • Do not talk about personal issues.
  • Do not pressure.
  • Focus on issues.
Dos and Don'ts with the Styles:
  • Below is a checklist of what to do and what not to do with the different styles:
D-style: Do:
  • Be direct.
  • Provide alternatives.
  • Ensure he/she "wins".
  • Give immediate feedback.
  • Concentrate on subject.
  • Act quickly.
  • Let him/her speak and listen.
  • Focus on issues.
  • Show interest.
  • Provide direct answers.
D-Style Don't:
  • Go into all the details.
  • Provide too much information.
  • Try to control the situation.
  • Talk too much.
  • Lose focus.
  • Slow down.
  • Take issues personally.
I-style Do:
  • Maintain positive atmosphere.
  • Help to achieve popularity and recognition.
  • Allow to express him/herself.
  • Take time to chat and talk.
  • Be more expressive.
  • Be more enthusiastic.
  • Focus on the big picture.
  • Focus on the people aspects.
  • Get involved in the process.
I-style Don't:
  • Talk about too many details.
  • Fail to socialize.
  • Bring up negative issues.
  • Fail to have fun.
  • Set restrictions.
  • Be too practical.
  • Be pessimistic.
S-style Do:
  • Proceed in logical order.
  • Ask specific questions to find out true needs.
  • Provide support.
  • Provide precedents to reduce uncertainty.
  • Remember fairness and justice.
S-style Don't:
  • Forget your promises.
  • Make unexpected changes.
  • Be unreliable.
  • Forget to provide enough information.
  • Move too fast.
  • Be impatient.
C-style Do:
  • Listen carefully.
  • Answer questions calmly and carefully.
  • Be thorough; remember to include all relevant information.
  • Slow down your presentation.
  • Utilize written supporting materials.
  • Find out what the key issues are and focus on them.
C-Style Don't:
  • Move too fast.
  • Spend too much time with small talk.
  • Move too close.
  • Lose patience in providing all the requested information.
  • Expect decisions right away.