Improve your Organization’s bottom line by achieving Success with and through People using the world’s most advanced workplace behavioural assessments

Extended DISC® is the world’s most advanced online psychometric assessment. Get to the bottom of people problems quickly and confidently, with an extensive suite of workplace tools.
With millions of psychometric tests performed across the world, leading organizations rely on Extended DISC® innovative HR solutions to drive performance, enhance profitability and resilience. We are keen to bring these best-in-class assessments to support HR & Talent Management for deeper insights into the behaviour of individuals, teams and organizations .
The tried and proven Extended DISC® solution have been incorporated in the FinxS® Platform with its Playground to provide a powerful array of behavioural DNA assessments for Managers, Consultants, Coaches, HR & Talent Management professionals, Recruiters, Team Leaders, Sales Management and Business Development specialists.
The FinxS® Platform brings a totally new dimension to behavioural assessments. The FinxS® Playground provides access to a vast competency library and enables in-depth matching of individuals, teams and the entire organization against desired traits in a single online platform.

Explore the many dynamic ways in which our assessments add value
Extended DISC® and the revolutionary FinxS® Platform provide forensic behavioural diagnostics to leading organizations across the globe.
We are keen to bring these best-in-class assessments to add value to your organization in one of the many ways in which we support HR & Talent Management and the quest for deeper insights into the behaviour of individuals, teams and organizations .
Sophisticated behavioural DNA assessments add value outside traditional HR applications.
Leading organizations rely on Extended DISC® on the revolutionary FinxS® Platform to drive performance and enhance profitability and resilience.
We have set out a detailed response to the questions that clients ask for your convenience below. However, we are happy to communicate directly with you to address your unique needs.