Sales And Sales Management
With increased competition, it is now survival of the fittest. The FinxS® Sales Competence Assessment twinned with the Extended DISC® Sales 18 analysis provide you with a winning formula for unlocking blind spots and removing limiting habits from your Sales force to drive revenues. Underpin your Sales Recruitment and Sales Training with dynamite sales competence assessments.

How To Drive More Sales
Even the most experienced Sales professional has blind spots and habits that limit their effectiveness. Removing a single blind spot could yield a 20% increase in revenues or more!
Sounds great! But how do we identify those blind spots?
That is where the totally unique FinxS® Sales Competence and Sales 18 behavioural assessments are transforming Sales Management processes.
The FinxS® Sales Competence and Sales 18 assessments are the products of extensive cross-border, cross-industry research into what competencies drive extraordinary sales. The research identified 18 sales competencies that were critical to success in selling.
These 18 keys to success in Sales are incorporated into the FinxS® Sales Competence and Extended DISC® Sales 18 assessments. These twin Sales assessments provide a unique platform for recruiting Sales representatives; coaching Sales Teams and for aligning Sales agents to the Sales roles to which they are best suited.
For example, a Sales representative without the natural Hunter instinct could do very well managing a Sales route where they can build long term relationships.
That is the magic of the FinxS® Sales Competence and Sales 18 assessments. You can drill down to information that will guide virtually any decision that you have to make in managing the Sales process and in getting the most out of your Sales team.
By now you would be wondering, what are these 18 keys to success in selling.

The 18 Essential Elements of Success in Sales
- Prospecting
- Active Listening
- Qualifying
- Critical Thinking
- Building Rapport
- Ambition and Initiative
- Process Orientation
- Presenting
- Goal Orientation
- Time Management
- Need for Approval
- Dealing with Failure
- Controlling the Sales Process
- Competitiveness
- Handling Objections
- Money Concept
- Questioning Effectiveness
- Emotional Distance
Why two assessments?
The FinxS® Sales Competence assessments approach the diagnosis from different perspectives. The Sales Competence assessment measures:
- The agent’s current level of sales competence
- Underlying sales mindsets of the agent
- Sales Excuse Index® – propensity to be in office or selling
- A salesperson’s preference for certain sales roles
- Role Fit between a salesperson’s current ability and the sales process
- The representative’s current level of sales competence
- Underlying sales mindsets

The Extended DISC® Sales 18 assessment draws on psychometric assessment in the context of the 4-quadrant model. It incorporates elements from the vast behavioural competency library in addition to the Sales 18 related competencies.
The combination of the two reports provide Sales Management information that is not available from any other source.
The FinxS® Sales Competence analysis can be adjusted to present reports related to the recruitment of salespersons or for the coaching of existing Sales agents.
Sales Team Development
We have developed our unique Scientific Selling sales training program that incorporates Sales Competence Assessment, Sales 18 behavioural assessment and proven sales techniques and approaches.
Sales Excuse Index®
We have revolutionized sales assessments diagnostics with the insertion of the Sales Excuse Index. This index measures how likely a salesperson or sales team is to make excuses and on focus on non-sales related tasks. The higher the Excuse Index® is, the more likely a salesperson is to make excuses not to sell. Your Sales managers can more readily identify salespeople that stay focused on activities that will directly produce sales outcomes.
Drive Sales with Assessments!
Sales Recruitment
Make better hiring decisions with the twinned FinxS® Sales Competence and Extended DISC® Sales 18 assessments.
The cost of a bad hire is infinitely more than the low investment in hiring the right Sales agent for each sales role.
Consider the potential reputational damage not to mention the lost opportunities.
Remember, Role Fit alignment of Sales agent with Sales role is critical. Success arising from building relationships with a steady groups of accounts might not transfer well being required to find new customers.
The FinxS® Sales Competence and Extended DISC® Sales 18 assessments are easy to apply. You contact us, we send you online access information and the reports are sent directly to your inbox.
We can incorporate an optional debriefing session and/or certify your users.
Sales Manager
The FinxS® Sales Competence and Extended DISC® Sales 18 assessments are a boon to Sales Managers.
For the first time Sales Managers can drill down to line-by-line insights that can be used to drive sales effectiveness.
Whether it be an issue of low recruitment of prospects or the failure to close Sales, the root causes of ineffectiveness in the sales process is clearly revealed.
The beauty about the FinxS® Sales Competence and Extended DISC® Sales 18 reports is that they provide the narrative for situation-specific Sales Training and Coaching. Sales Managers can coach Sales Agent Jill in terms of objective areas for development that have been spelled out in black and white.
Share the reports with the Sales Team and use them in the ongoing coaching and development process.
Heads up: The reports provide you with the opportunity to maximize the impact and benefits of peer coaching.